Driving Growth in Legal Departments: General Counsels Harnessing AI’s Potential While Navigating Risks

Woman Using AI for Legal Documents

For several years, the legal industry has been experiencing a shift, with artificial intelligence (AI) emerging as a powerful force for growth and innovation. From automating routine tasks to enhancing data-driven decision-making, AI holds immense promise for legal departments seeking to optimize their operations and drive business success. However, it is crucial for legal professionals […]

Founder’s Blog

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Dear Network, I am embarking on the most fundamental pivot of my career to lead a bold new law practice founded and managed by underrepresented minorities and women. We focus on helping in-house legal teams build and execute on strategic capabilities. As a founder, I wanted to share my journey from these early days onward. […]

No more hourly bill rates

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No more hourly bill rates Hourly bill rates destroy value. True problem solving requires focus, open communication and a shared understanding of goals. Our three year old does not count the number of books we read before bedtime. She wants to read until she is satisfied. Creating value is about outcomes, not inputs. Advice without […]

Build your brand in a new role: First 90 days

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Listen and deliver. Ask insightful questions with the brand of a ghost writer. You will naturally educate leadership around what a legal voice in the room is thinking – embrace this role.

General Counsel Set Direction and Earn Trust

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You are 3 months into a new role and have a lot to share! You already closed your first big win and eagerly step up to share your thinking with your executive team. ​Start here if you have not read the post for Days 1-90.